Book of the Month – The Chicken Qabalah

Lon Milo DuQuette, writing as Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford gives his own approach to the study of Qabalah in this excellent book. Although humourous - really funny in places - it remains one of the best starter guides to the subject you will find on any bookshelf.

Through anecdotes and simple analogies, DuQuette covers the topic in a concise and clear manner. Funny but always informative, the book covers the Tree of Life, Hebrew letters and their correspondences to Tarot and other Western esotericism. Despite the humour, DuQuette is never disrespectful to the subject, the tone of the book seeming to stem from love for the subject rather than being a detraction.

Although suitable for the beginner, the Chicken Qabalah is almost recommended for the more experienced student, having useful and clear tables and information presented in an accessible format. It also presents each topic in such a clear manner that the reader may well end up understanding something he or she has hitherto failed to grasp.

Thank Ye Hoo Waa Hoo  for Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford...


Title: The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford: Dilettante's Guide to What You Do and Do Not Need to Know to Become a Qabalist

Author: Lon Milo DuQuette

ISBN: 1578632153

Publisher: Red Wheel/Weiser (1 Aug 2001)


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